University of Cambridge: stormy geomorphology

Dr Tom Spencer (of CBESS) is organising a one day international scientific  meeting (11 May) looking at geomorphic contributions in an age of extremes.

This event is jointly sponsored by the British Society for Geomorphology (BSG), the Royal Geographical Society (with IBG) and Wiley.

Extreme storms and floods are increasing in frequency and intensity across much of the globe. Geomorphology – the science of the study of landforms – has much to contribute to help understand, measure, predict and manage the landscape and human effects of extreme events. Global state-of-the-art understanding of geomorphic contributions to extreme events will be presented as a one-day conference in London on 11 May 2015.

Eminent invited speakers from across the globe will be presenting, including Professor Frank Magilligan, Professor Jacky Croke, Professor Stuart Lane, Professor Mikkel Fruergaard, Professor Mark Macklin, Professor Steve Darby and Dr. Richard Whitehouse. The event will provide academic and end-user perspectives on the critical role geomorphology can play in helping manage landscape and human impacts of extreme events.

More information and registration.