Autumn 2013: ecological data collection is over

In August 2013, the CBESS Team began the final push to collect data for the Summer Field Campaign in Morecambe Bay and the Essex Marshes. Conditions were very different to winter with fieldworkers suffering sunburn and dehydration, compared to suspected frost bite!

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CBESS-NRW Coastal Workshop

Biodiversity and Ecosystem Service Sustainability in salt marsh to mudflat landscapes. 

This workshop is meant as a show and tell, and a view to the future, in regards to research on, and management activities related to, salt marsh to mudflat landscapes; in particular that concerning ecosystem functioning and ecosystem services (human benefits from ecosystems).

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CBESS: Hilary Ford appointed

Dr Hilary Ford is joining the CBESS community as a post-doctoral researcher based in Bangor University. Hilary has a background in saltmarsh research, with a  focus on greenhouse-gas and faunal responses to vegetation composition and grazing regime.