BESS launch

The launch event for BESS (Biodiversity and Ecosystem Service Sustainability) was held on 22nd June 2012 in at  Royal Over-Seas League,London. 

Prof. Dave Paterson (CBESS Coordinator) from the University of St Andrews introduced CBESS to the other three research consortia.

  1. DURESS; programme on upland rivers.
  2. Wessex BESS; programme on lowland farmland.
  3. Urban BESS; programme on city and town landscapes.

BESS is a six-year (2011-2017) NERC (National Environment Research Council) research programme, which aims to contribute to our understanding of the functional role of biodiversity in key ecosystem processes and ecosystem flows.

To find out more about the launch, visit the BESS news page.

To find out more about BESS, visit the project page.